Our ABA Therapist Staff
L4Life currently has 35+ therapist staff comprised of:
- Executive Officer, Pam Roy
- Clinical Director, Emma Miller
- Program Supervisors: Sarah Wood (Psychologist), Jodi Harris, Sara Allen (Psychologist), Samantha Boyle (Psychologist); Elisha Mont, Nilushi Goonetilleke, Tiffany Poljakovic and Claire Taptil (all of whom have a minimum of five years experience in ABA therapy delivery)
- Team therapists
The majority of L4Life therapists are either university students, recent graduates or masters students in the areas of Psychology, Early Education or Speech/Occupational Therapy. We train all of our therapists with our Certification Training curriculum. They are highly professional, police and Working with Children-checked and physically capable. Importantly, they all have a demonstrated commitment, joy and motivating sense of fun in their approach to working with children on the spectrum.
If you are interested in finding ABA therapist support, or in learning more about an ABA therapist’s career, please phone us at (03) 9853 4607, or email us at humanresources@learningforlife.com.au.